Echoes of Existence

  • “Positive Thinking For Positive Changes”

    Having a positive mental attitude means choosing to overcome hardships and finding ways to grow beyond them. It’s important not to let tough times completely change your positive outlook on life.  Once you understand and accept that there are many external factors beyond your control, you realize that you have the power to choose how you…

  • “Be Kind To Yourself “

    Sometimes, we are our own worst critics.  It’s okay to make mistakes, it’s okay to fall.  The late singer Aaliyah’s lyrics to a song, “Dust yourself off and try again” words rings so true to us all. Being kind to yourself raises the natural endorphins and puts ourselves in better moods to tackle whatever may…

  • “Courage”

    What defines courage is a combination of qualities: resilience, the willingness to express your true self regardless of others’ perceptions, self-belief, and the practice of taking mindful, deep breaths – a deceptively simple yet profoundly impactful act. These mindful breaths offer clarity, lower blood pressure, and reduce potential anxiety. In the face of adversity, maintaining…

  • “Personal Growth”

    Do you believe that some individuals come into your life or cross your path for specific reasons? I do! Sometimes it’s called synchronicities but if you look deeper, you begin to understand that they play a particular role for you in some way at that time in your life. Whether it’s to guide, inspire or…

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