“The Gifts of Kindness”

The social media outlets reports stories of kindness from strangers that gives your heart a skip in your beat.

A customer has their bill paid by a stranger at the grocery store, someone leaves an exorbitant tip to a waitress or waiter.I enjoy reading these uplifting stories. Have you ever asked yourself, what kindness could you do for another human being?

Not everyone has the means to leave an extremely large tip at a restaurant or pay for another person’s grocery bill, but kindness isn’t

always about payment, sometimes kindness can simply be a small gesture.

Kindness is revered due to the selfless act of giving something to a complete stranger, sometimes in an anonymous manner.I think kindness can certainly be distributed through an act, but kindness is at its simplest, a gift. The beauty of the gift is in its simplicity.

Practicing the gift of kindness does not have to be a one-time major event. Living a life through kind gestures gives you the opportunity to use your gift of kindness and to set an example for your family to use theirs.

You may ask your children to be “nice”, or to “be polite” but how often do you ask them to be “kind”? Are we teaching our children the importance of being kind? Kindness is learned by the examples that we set.

Put away your neighbors delivery package for later so it doesn’t get stolen.  Let the person behind you who has less items than you go ahead of you in line at the store. Hold the door. Offer a smile. Start a conversation with the elder person  who’s dining alone. Know all the little, non-newsworthy gestures of kindness, are the gifts that matter most.

The purpose of life, after all, is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for a newer and richer experience.”

-Eleanor Roosevelt






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