
Have you noticed that when you’re having anxiety or worry, your chest feels tight? Or it may be difficult catching your breath? Did you know that one of the most natural and calming ways to release tension is to take big deep breaths that provides relief to help calm the mind?  Repeating this process provides an influx of oxygen that travels to the brain allowing for inner clarity and peace. 

So the next time you find your mind wandering in worry, pay attention to your breathing pattern, as it may be beneficial to take even just a few moments to focus on your breath. I used to think, it’s just breathing until I realized with this technique I have the power to shift my mindset.

Identify Your Triggers

There are many things that can trip up our present moments, which I refer to as triggers. Both external and internal triggers can cause you to stress or burnout at work, environment etc. It’s important to dig deep and think about what may be causing you distraction, anxiety or frustration. When you identify your personal triggers, it helps you become more aware of what situations, people, conversations or content to avoid and to help you stay in the present moment more often. 

When I notice my mind is beginning to worry about the future, I know that it’s time to acknowledge what may be contributing to those thoughts. A great way to organize your thoughts and pin point your triggers is to journal! Writing down notes about your thoughts, emotions, and feelings is a great way to keep tabs on the low-frequency emotions you could be lingering in, so give it a try! Free writing is another great stress reliever.

Acknowledge Your Feelings

Identifying your triggers is one thing, but taking the next step and actually acknowledging those feelings, especially the negative ones brings you into closer alignment with your higher self. It’s important to acknowledge your feelings and find ways to navigate through them, so they don’t build up and become too overwhelming. 

So be brave and tackle them head on. It takes a great deal of strength, courage, and mindfulness to be present enough to see your emotions and truly work through them. 

Embrace the Unknown

A part of living in the present is being able to really open your heart and allow yourself to embrace the unknown. As hard as it may be, letting go of worry and allowing yourself a sense of readiness for what’s to come is a direct pathway to getting in the flow of things. The better you get at releasing worry and embracing the unknown, the more you are inviting that state of flow to enter into your life. Embracing the unknown is truly a mindful practice that has the power to heal, transform and grow. It doesn’t matter how prepared you are because when you quiet the chatter of fear or worry, you welcome infinite possibilities for a serendipitous life. 

A Simplistic Lifestyle 

Consider the peace and serenity you can experience when you remove distractions or triggers connected to past memories from your personal experience. Embracing a simple lifestyle not only means removing mental clutter but also physical clutter from your space. Be mindful of the things that you actually need around you and release the things that seem to just be collecting dust or you may be holding onto with no value. 

When you heal yourself of past triggers, you are welcoming a clear and more present space for clarity. This allows you to feel more connected to your thoughts, your emotions, and your inner self. It can be easy to get distracted and side-tracked, so tidying up your workspace or home can keep you operating in the present. 

Mindfulness and Own It

Mindfulness is the practice of only paying attention to the present moment. When you allow yourself to slow down, you realize that all you have is the present moment. You begin to notice the stillness of your body and the calmness of your breath. 

And the great thing is that mindfulness can be practiced while breathing, eating, and even walking. Learning about all of the different ways to use mindfulness is a great way to uncover new healthy habits that are specific to your lifestyle.

“The best day of your life is the one which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours and it is an amazing journey, and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.”

~ Bob Moawad






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