“Loving Yourself Without the Guilt”

Do you ever wonder if people will reject you or not accept you for who you truly are? 

Do you feel compelled to explain yourself or justify your actions to everyone around you? 

A lot of people feel this way and they live their lives trying to hide their mask of flaws in disguise to feel accepted in societal standards. 

I believe it’s our qualities and imperfections that make each of us unique! 

And when you can completely and unconditionally accept yourself, and your imperfections, you’ll find a whole new level of freedom and self-love. 

So the next time you feel the need to pretend to be someone you’re really not… 

Remind yourself not to get caught up in that game. Stop trying to please everyone else and start living your very best life.


Remember that true success is becoming the best version of yourself. It’s not about being better than anyone else, so don’t change who you are to please others. 

Be patient and the right people will come into your life… they’ll be pulled toward your energy and they’ll love the REAL you! 


Your journey is different than everyone else’s, and only you know what’s best for YOU.

So it’s important that you live your life consistent with your values and aspirations. Dare to express yourself and allow your uniqueness to shine through.


Take ownership of the choices you’ve made and the experiences that have brought you to this point in your life now. Don’t let others measure your worth by telling you what you’re capable of or not. 

Know that you have the power to change your current situation and the way you think about life. And when you fully embrace this, you’ll realize that you have complete control in achieving your goals! 


As you work toward your goals, don’t let the need to prove yourself to others distract you from getting what you want.

Life isn’t a race, so make sure you enjoy the ride rather than having it all fly by in a blur. 

Remember to stop and smell the roses.

Opportunities for smiles, laughter and real growth happens every single day… it’s just up to you to notice and cherish them.


Mistakes are our biggest teachers, so don’t be afraid of failing in front of others. If you fall, pick yourself up and keep going. If you’re trying to be perfect all of the time to impress others, chances are that you’ll be missing the most important lessons of your life. 

Those who take chances are the ones who continually grow and learn.


Have you ever noticed that people always seem to have their own opinions regardless of what you do? And truth be told, it really doesn’t matter what others think.

The important thing is that you’re at peace with your own choices. Your decisions should fulfill you and the people who really care about you will support you as well. 

Try to remember that the relationships that truly matter, are the ones that make you a better person without trying to change you into something that you’re not. 

So stop seeking validation from others, when at the end of the day, the only opinion that matters is YOURS.


What really counts is not what you’ve learned by reading this post, it’s how you apply the knowledge. So take action! 

It’s okay to start small and practice working on it every single day. Then begin adding a new one every week or every month and soon you’ll realize that your daily practice has turned into a habit. 

We have to learn to redirect and create a new habit of grounding ourselves in the truth of who we are—which is happiness, joy, and peace!

“The best day of your life is the one which you decide your life is your own. No apologies or excuses. No one to lean on, rely on, or blame. The gift is yours and it is an amazing journey, and you alone are responsible for the quality of it. This is the day your life really begins.” ~ Bob Moawad

Catching the Magic






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