Echoes of Existence

  • “The Art of Letting Go”

    No matter where you’re at on your personal journey, learning to surrender to the Universe takes continual work and patience –a lot of it!  As humans, our brains are wired to protect ourselves by making plans to control future outcomes. However, life doesn’t always go according to plan.  The key to adjusting to our new…

  • Your Intuition ~ Listen to It

    Have you ever had an experience where you had a strong gut feeling about something, but you ignored it… only to have it proven right later on?  Your intuition is like a built-in internal GPS unit, and if you allow it to guide you, it will direct you towards making the most authentic, soul-driven decisions possible…

  • “Loving Yourself Without the Guilt”

    Do you ever wonder if people will reject you or not accept you for who you truly are?  Do you feel compelled to explain yourself or justify your actions to everyone around you?  A lot of people feel this way and they live their lives trying to hide their mask of flaws in disguise to feel accepted…

  • “Who Are You”

    Who are you? No really, who are you? What do you like? What makes you happy? What are your triggers? What motivates you to start your day every morning?  If you don’t know, then it’s time to do some soul searching. It’s time to discover who YOU are, no matter where you’re in life. It’s not always easy…

  • “Breathe”

    Have you noticed that when you’re having anxiety or worry, your chest feels tight? Or it may be difficult catching your breath? Did you know that one of the most natural and calming ways to release tension is to take big deep breaths that provides relief to help calm the mind?  Repeating this process provides an…

  • “The Gifts of Kindness”

    The social media outlets reports stories of kindness from strangers that gives your heart a skip in your beat. A customer has their bill paid by a stranger at the grocery store, someone leaves an exorbitant tip to a waitress or waiter.I enjoy reading these uplifting stories. Have you ever asked yourself, what kindness could…

  • Reflect, Re-Connect and Re-Learn”

    We’ve all heard the saying, “Every setback is a setup for a comeback, and every challenge is a chance to grow.”  So, don’t be discouraged by challenges or some form of perceived hurdles. Instead, view them as stepping stones towards the best version of yourself. Keep in mind, the future belongs to those who believe…

  • Ah, family. We love them but sometimes we don’t.”

    We all have a story and I’m sure I’m no exception to a dysfunctional family as there may be many others that suffer quietly.  This particular post is different from what I’ve shared so far because it has been so private for me and even a little embarrassing, but it is what it is.  So…

  • “They Say Patience Is a Virtue”

    We are so used to wanting some things fast; faster internet, sometimes finishing our daily tasks faster and consuming things on demand, like the microwave. We sometimes forget why we need to learn this skill in the first place. Did you know that every time we become upset or annoyed because somebody cut us off…

  • First time definitely not the last time :)

    ***THIS WAS DELETED BY ACCIDENT AND SIMPLY RE-POSTED Wow! what the…. I never thought I would ever do social media, especially blog. Yet, here I am posting my very first blog. It’s exciting and exhilarating at the same time, this is unknown territory for me. All of the choices I’ve made in my life, now…

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